BlackSand Tournament II
BlackSand avatar image
BlackSand Tournament
BlackSand Tournament II

BlackSand Tournament II

The BlackSand Tournament II is the second installment of the city's main fighting contest. It's open to all wizards and warriors

Tournament Information


The Tournament is open to all Wizards and Warriors. To enter drop a picture of your token alongside its ID number in the comments of this tweet

Registration is currently open. To follow the action visit our dedicated thread BlackSand Tournament in the Forgotten Runes Discord

Tournament arena, on the shores of the Salt Sea
Tournament arena, on the shores of the Salt Sea


The Tournament follows a bracket system, pitting participants head to head against each other over several rounds

In the first rounds, each duel will be decided based on an AI-generated lore. Read more details below

AI Lore Duels

Introduction of AI Duels

The first rounds of the BlackSand Tournament II (The Second Tournament) will be decided through AI generated lore.

For each duel, the Council will feed ChatGPT with a descriptive introduction of each figter, to then request the narration of their duel. Whichever fighter emerges victorious in the AI-generate lore wins the round.

Guidelines for Duel Input

To inform the AI narration, the holders of each fighter will be required to submit a short description of their figther according to the below guidelines:

  • provide a description of your fighter to describe their fighting style, abilities, weapons of choice in no more than 50-70 words
  • do not include any wording that directly makes the fighter invincible, victorious or that directly counter an opponent (e.g. fighter A always wins agains fighter B)

The Council reserves the right to refuse any submission at their own discretion.

Example of duel input for two fighters
Example of duel input for two fighters

Submission of Duel Input

To submit your description for any duel, send a direct message to Legatus on Discord.

Example of AI Lore Duel

In the example provided, the two holders provided their short descriptive prompts. Afterwards ChatGPT was asked to narrate a duel between the two, and eventually select a winner. In the example provided Gadreel wins the fight

Example of AI Lore Duel
Example of AI Lore Duel